The Hatred of Wealth

Hot on the heels of a CBO report that predicts people will be incentivized not to work because of Obamacare’s subsidies (a report that gets the Captain Obvious award, more on that in a moment) comes some truly stupendous sophistry from the administration and its...

The Case For Gay Marriage

One of the hot-button issue of the day is, of course, the debate regarding legal recognition of gay marriage. Apart from the well-known disagreement between Left and Right, the issue is one of several wedges that divides libertarians from many conservatives and...

Heretics and Apostates

A column by Michelle Malkin reminded me of an old observation regarding the special hatred people of the Left hold for those who are expected to be liberals but are not. In her column, Ms. Malkin discussed several instances of people in the political sphere, people of...

The Ten Commandments in the Public Square

It’s not uncommon nowadays to pop onto one of the news sites and find a story about disputes regarding displays of a religious nature on public property. It’s more common around Christmas time, when many cases of people either setting up nativity scenes or...

Thoughts on the ObamaCare Rollout

Reading the WSJ editorial on ObamaCare today, it occurred to me that we may very well be bearing witness to the most epic crash-and-burn of big government politics in this nation’s history. Many have been warning that a government takeover of 1/7th of the...