It’s Never Been Tried Before

Any libertarian who has spent enough time playing in the sandbox that is political argument, whether vocal, written or on the Internet, has had to deal with a box full of pat arguments, challenges, refutations and dismissals of libertarian philosophy. One of these is...

Will Social Media Become a Public Good?

There was a tempest recently when it was revealed that Facebook had conducted a psychological experiment on several hundred thousand users, manipulating news feeds in order to assess emotional reactions. People were outraged, of course. Nowadays, people are outraged...

Capitalist Overlords

It has been observed that if you truly want to turn your brain into pudding, spend some time arguing on the internet. While not strictly true (and even less literally true – your brain will not become a product hawked by Bill Cosby, no matter how much...

Beware the Bear

In a quarter century or so, Russia’s going to be well on the way to Detroit status. Catastrophically low birth rate, the young emigrating in droves (including some that come here on student or work visas, overstay and seek asylum), and rampant alcoholism (men...

Sloppy Logic Gone Viral

My friend John sent me this video, which has gone viral on YouTube (6 million hits), knowing I’d enjoy analyzing it. It’s awash in sloppy logic and fallacies, and gives the illusion of being a sound line of reasoning when it is anything but. Watch it, then...