The Power of Hate

For hate’s sake, I spit my last breath at thee. – Captain Ahab An article from last summer, Ten Reasons Why I Am No Longer a Leftist, offers powerful indictment of what the modern Left has devolved into. The points made are strong, with three in particular...

Free Speech, But…

The terrorist attack on the offices of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo has produced an outpouring of support for freedom of the press. A meme of the pen is mightier than the sword has gone viral, both at rallies all over France and in the press. Sadly and...

Carbon and Karma

A recent edition of the NY Post had an opinion piece wherein the author took to task some scolds who had issues with the message of the movie Interstellar. The basic plot of the movie (I haven’t seen it) is that the Earth is dying and astronauts are sent out to...

Scorched Earth

A recent NY Times report discussed the “diaspora” of people from blue states to red states. The Times seems to welcome this movement, since, at least according to its analysis, those relocaters are keeping their blue-state voting habits and thus are...


Watch European politics for any length of time and you will hear certain fringe political parties and groups (and in some cases not-so-fringe) described as far-right or ultra-right-wing. Typically, these groups become identified thus because of strong nationalistic...