Global Warming Damages

An Internet friend posted an amusing link this morning, broadcast with the scary headline Researcher: The US Owes the World $4 Trillion For Trashing the Climate. It’s a me, me, look at me! bit of self-puffery that latches onto one of the sillier aspects of...

Dignity and Debt

The Guardian, a U.K. based news organization, headlined its reporting of today’s anti-austerity, pro-Syriza rally in Greece with the quote: It’s a question of dignity. Greece is on the verge of defaulting on a debt payment to the International Monetary...

Tea Baggers and The Prophet

There was a shooting yesterday in Garland Texas. Two men who were allegedly offended by an intentionally provocative “Draw Mohammed” event showed up at that event with body armor, rifles and murderous intent. They exchanged fire with police and security,...

Cultures Of Dependence

Just a few weeks before I was born, Lyndon Baines Johnson gave his first State of The Union address since becoming President upon the death of John F. Kennedy. The full text of the address is a fascinating read, especially within the context of LBJ’s...