Half the Story

A few weeks back, my internet perambulations brought me to a column about Donald Trump by Camille Paglia. Aside from her candid take on the GOP presidential candidate, what caught my eye were several letters and responses to letters regarding some comments that Paglia...

A Mind Is A Terrible Thing

Most of us know people who resent others’ successes when they feel they’re smarter or more capable, and writer Nick Sorrentino shares a tale about a relative who recently exhibited such behavior. The attitude exhibited by his relative, who not only averred...

The Rise of American Fascism

The most common descriptor in American politics is the Left-Right axis. Democrats and liberals are considered to be on and embody the Left, and Republicans and conservatives are considered to be on and embody the Right. The axis is woefully inadequate for the task...

The Earth Doesn’t Care

I’m currently reading a series of books, collectively known as the Iron Druid Chronicles They are tales of, you guessed it, a “druid,” in this case a worshiper of the Earth aka Gaia, set in present-day. This puts the books into the category of Urban...

Dependence and Submission

One summer, way back when I was in my mid teens, my family went on vacation to Greece, where both my parents were born. One night, on my father’s home island, we went to visit one of my father’s childhood friends, who now owned and operated one of the...