Population Dissonance

A common and long-running theme among statist big thinkers is that people are having too many babies and thereby overtaxing the planet. We first heard such negativity from Thomas Malthus nearly 250 years ago, but have yet to witness the famine and resource depletion...

A Libertarian’s Appeal To Distraught Democrats

I feel your pain. You came to this with what you thought were the best intentions, but you didn’t get what you wanted (I never get what I want). Now, you’re talking about moving to Canada or Spain, or seceding from the Union to live in the world’s sixth largest...

From Messiah to Footnote

The historic milestone election of Barack Obama eight years ago was not just about breaking the ultimate color barrier in America. It was the elevation of an almost messianic figure in the eyes of many. It was about starry-eyed “Hope and Change,” it was...