What Laws Would You Pass?

The mass shooting in Las Vegas continues its hold on front pages and social media platforms, and the killer’s motives remain stubbornly unknown and mysterious. Since nature abhors a vacuum, and since this atrocity is tailor-made for the “do...

Liberals and Gun Rights

Do you think Trump’s a fascist? Did you despise the Patriot Act? Do you distrust the police and other government law enforcement? Do you support Black Lives Matter? Do you side or sympathize with with Antifa? Do you believe The Handmaid’s Tale is a...

Zero-Sum Everything

A core premise of capitalism and free markets is that people voluntarily enter into exchanges and interactions with each other. Each does so because he believes there’s a benefit to be gained from that exchange or interaction. Thus, the benefit is mutual. It is...

Gun Rights Lesson #940 – Confiscation

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of a series of articles on gun rights. Each addresses a common anti-gun trope. “The government doesn’t want to take your guns away!” This lesson is a follow-up to Lesson #831, wherein I challenged the declaration by...

Socialist Relativism

Nazis suck. So do neo-Nazis, Nazi wannabes, Nazi sympathizers, and those who share the “values” of racism, oppression, broad hatred, ethnic cleansing, and all the rest of that garbage. The Third Reich and the war it started killed tens of millions of...