Trump Goes Hanlon

If there’s any certainty whatsoever about the Trump presidency, it’s that, just when you thought things could not get more absurd, our teetotaling president comes through with yet another “hold my (nonalcoholic) beer” moment. Yesterdays’...

But, The Children!

I will holler “Amen!” with the choir of much of the nation whenever President Trump is called a big fat meanie. He is. He’s an awful person. But that sentence might have been written the same way, minus President, if we are back in 1990 “Trump...

The War on Drugs Meets Science

Many are fond of trumpeting “Science!” as the basis for rational policy, but one look at the War on Drugs’ defenestration of science tells us that, in practice, such are the minority. This is nothing new or unique. There is a long and terrible...

Spiraling Into Fascism

A couple years ago, I penned an article titled The Rise of American Fascism, in which I noted that the economic element of fascism (tight government control of privately-owned business), which has been a hallmark of our nation for a long time, is increasingly being...