by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 29, 2018 | Culture, Economics, Education, Health, Opinion, Politics, Taxation
As the Left continues to press for ever-more government control of the economy, in areas such as health care, college, prescription medicines, and even fundamental economic behavior in the private sector, it’s worth reviewing the government’s track record...
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 16, 2018 | Environment, Opinion
Over in Poland, a passel of the world’s elite have gathered for the 24th annual Conference of Parties (COP24), to discuss climate change and hammer out an agreement on carbon emission tracking and mitigation. The word coming out of Poland is that the situation...
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 8, 2018 | Culture, Environment, Politics
France continues to be rocked by a populist uprising against the former golden child Emmanuel Macron and his “green” policies, serving notice to the rest of the First World that their citizenries aren’t going to meekly accept hardships imposed from...
by Peter Venetoklis | Nov 26, 2018 | Culture, Economics, Immigration, Opinion, Politics, Taxation
In some of the (many) arguments about socialism in which I’ve engaged, its defenders point at the successes of communes and kibbutzes as “proof” that socialism can work and as a refutation to my assertion that it is always doomed to fail. There are...
by Peter Venetoklis | Nov 25, 2018 | Immigration, Opinion, Politics
Talk to a present-day GOP die-hard about issues, and pay attention to the emotional level associated with each. Run the gamut of today’s big issues, and gauge the fervor behind each response. I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts that, in most cases, you’ll...
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