When Lawyers Define Sex Roles

In history, have more brains ever been more racked over anything less knowable than in analyzing the recollections of the teens Ford and Kavanaugh from back in 1982? (The Dreyfus Affair, maybe). Have more media ever before been spilled over less content? Now that the...

By Any Means Necessary

The attempted borking of Judge Kavanaugh proceeds apace, with his accuser set to testify on Thursday. Kavanaugh, a man of impeccable credentials and heretofore unassailed character, is being accused of an attempted rape nearly four decades ago, when he was 17, and of...

Mis-Legalizing Marijuana

Years ago, before marijuana legalization started to really gather momentum, many converts to the idea of legalization put forth the notion that we should legalize it and “tax the shit out of it.” They figured that they could rationalize the switch from...