Trump, Hitler, and the Court

Apologies for going full-Godwin in the title of this essay (for those unaware, “Godwin” is a reference to the increasing probability of a Nazi reference as an Internet discussion continues), but Justice Kennedy’s retirement announcement has turned...

Throwing Shade

Politico reported that members of the Democratic National Committee audibly groaned when word of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement broke. While the retirement was long-rumored, its coming to fruition at a moment that gives Trump and the GOP...

Suckers For Socialism

Nestled among all this week’s momentous news by and of the Supreme Court, we find the story of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28 year old Bernie Sanders acolyte who just upended the number-four Democrat in the House, 14 term incumbent Joe Crowley, in...

Can He, Not Should He

Yesterday, the Supreme Court finally resolved the long-running saga of Trump’s travel ban, igniting a wholly predictable firestorm of yee-haws from the Trump crowd and sky-screams from the Left. Trump’s defenders argue that the ban is not a “Muslim...