The Canceler’s Privilege

The Canceler’s Privilege

The loony-Left’s censorship follies have run so amok that a passel of leading liberal voices gathered (virtually, I presume) to sign an open letter “on justice and open debate, which just ran in Harper’s Magazine. Needless to say, the cancelniks were...
Always OPM

Always OPM

Were I tasked with offering one lesson about politics, whether it be to a group of wide-eyed high school sophomores, an over-educated class of grad students, or a conglomerated mass of voters from all over the political spectrum, it would be this: It’s always...
A Nation of Chamberlains

A Nation of Chamberlains

I caught a chunklet of an Internet conversation the other day, wherein a couple obviously left-leaning (and intersectional) commenters offered a perfunctory dismissal of Thomas Sowell (and Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson, because Black Non-Liberals are all the same,...
Special Revelation and Social Justice

Special Revelation and Social Justice

On my current reading list is a series of essays by libertarian writer George H. Smith on freethought and liberty. The ninth such essay discusses Deism, a form of religious belief that rests on a view of God as a non-interventionist “clockmaker.” One of...