A Tale of Two Memes

A Tale of Two Memes

Ponder the meme above. What do you see? Is it violent and thuggish government agents dispersing a peaceful protest? Or is it properly equipped law enforcement officers protecting individual and property rights from a violent mob? The meme’s author is looking to...
When Seconds Count…

When Seconds Count…

This past December, a “good guy with a gun” stopped a mass shooting in a northeastern Texas town, putting (again) the lie to the anti-gun dismissiveness about civilians stopping crime. Right on cue, nanny-billionaire Mike Bloomberg chimed in with his...
Biden’s Law-And-Order Gambit

Biden’s Law-And-Order Gambit

Where’s-Waldo Biden surprised a good number of my political friends (and me) and picked Kamala Harris to run with him against Trump (and, many speculate, to be President should he not complete his term). Given her unlikeability and her spectacular (and...
Manners Make The Peace

Manners Make The Peace

What are manners? Manners are the things that we agree to do, but we are not forced to do. This is the heart of the mask argument: if people don’t do it because it’s “just the right thing,” it’s not really possible to make them do it from...
Stealing Speech

Stealing Speech

Nigh-on twenty years ago, when I was living in the Sheepshead Bay section of Brooklyn, NY, and working with my family at our restaurant, I put a Libertarian Party sticker on the back window of my SUV. It was a beast of a truck, a Chevy Suburban K2500 in black, with a...