by Peter Venetoklis | Feb 14, 2021 | Election, Opinion, Politics
To no one’s surprise, the Senate failed to convict Trump on the impeachment charge forwarded by the House. What was originally put forth as a “save the nation from his lunacy the last two weeks of his term” was flipped on its head to a tepid...
by Peter Venetoklis | Feb 10, 2021 | Culture, Election, Opinion, Politics
Nowadays, it is virtually impossible to go through your daily life without receiving some blunt-force messaging about diversity, about inclusion, about multiculturalism, and about justice for the oppressed. That this messaging is being delivered (and often...
by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Feb 6, 2021 | Opinion, Politics
In our political conversations, we encounter ideas that are broadly considered reasonable, and ideas that are considered unreasonable or flat-out bonkers. The latter exist outside the range of the former, with gray areas along the intersections. A couple decades ago,...
by Peter Venetoklis | Feb 3, 2021 | Culture, Opinion, Politics
A political friend shared a quote on social media today: “Liberals, I have heard it said, don’t care what we do as long as it is mandatory.” — Joseph Epstein This echoes a popular meme (and T-shirt, and other merchandise. A thumbs up for free...
by Peter Venetoklis | Feb 2, 2021 | Election, Opinion, Politics
Joe Biden became the Democrats’ nominee by projecting a “milder” agenda than the balance of the Democratic primary field. His party barely squeaked out a victory against a President who failed to capitalize on the various policy successes of his...
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