SALTy Balls

SALTy Balls

One of the great truths of life is that politicians have virtually no shame, no matter how much they morally preen and scold others. I was reminded of this in reading that NY Senator Chuck Schumer and Congressman Thomas Suozzi are pushing to include a removal of the...
Peacefully Radical Transformations

Peacefully Radical Transformations

The Black Lives Matter protests, with their accompanying riots and all the sequels that brought them about, bring to the fore Leftist demands for fundamental changes to the American way of the classical liberal order. Let’s review what that order gained us, and...
A Second Amendment Event?

A Second Amendment Event?

There’s a public argument phenomenon that gun rights defenders and Second Amendment defenders are quite familiar with: “gotcha” questions written by the ill-informed. Step into any on-going debate over gun rights, and you’ll almost invariably...
Woke Word Salad

Woke Word Salad

I do enjoy going on Internet safari from time to time. I find visits to far-left websites and social media pages enlightening and informative, even though I find less and less in common with their denizens’ views with the passage of time. Used to be, a...