by Peter Venetoklis | Jan 1, 2014 | Culture, Politics
Talk to a statist about his beliefs, and you will often hear the words “safety net” mentioned. Well, not so much mentioned as boldly, even aggressively declared, stated as a challenge, as an affirmation and declaration that theirs is the side of right,...
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 30, 2013 | Politics
One of the arguments being put forth by people from all over the left-right spectrum regarding the NSA’s broad collection of telephone data and “metadata” is that it’s essential to the War on Terror and to the security of the American people....
by Peter Venetoklis | Nov 29, 2013 | Culture, Economics
Pope Francis set the political blogosphere afire with words that apparently condemn capitalism and free markets in a recently released manifesto. Much has been written by many about this, so much so that I felt uneasy pulling quotes of the manifesto from the press or...
by Peter Venetoklis | Nov 26, 2013 | Culture
Somehow, somewhen, without consulting the rest of us (hat tip to George Carlin), the intelligentsia decided that the nation would no longer be a “melting pot,” where people who wanted to come here would be expected to embrace American culture while mixing...
by Peter Venetoklis | Nov 20, 2013 | Politics
One of the standard accusations that liberals, Democrats, progressives and other statists lob at libertarians is that libertarians are simply closeted Republicans, conservative-lite, or right-wingers who want to use drugs. As “proof” of this, they flesh...
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