You Don’t Own That

The Left’s recent frothing anger over the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision has been great fun for those of us who bothered to figure out its actual contents, given how ignorant so many of the protests and protestors have been. Apart from the humor, the...

Simply Enforce the Law

I recently came across a rebuttal to the (my and others’) oft-stated opinion that the nation’s immigration laws and system are dysfunctional and broken. The rebuttal was, in short, “the laws are fine, they just need to be enforced.” Sounds...

Preparing for Life

Part of adults’ obligations to the children they bring into the world is to prepare them for their own adulthood. This means that schooling and education should be about more than learning skills and facts and training the brain to think in certain ways....

Eye Pollution

The New York City Council imposed restrictions on the use of electronic cigarettes, a practice sometimes referred to as “vaping,” that mirror those imposed on cigarettes. E-cigarettes are an increasingly popular alternative to regular cigarettes, because...

The Brotherhood of the Mosh Pit

Many of my friends know I have a fondness for heavy metal music. Some of my friends share that fondness, some are amused, some have no opinion, but at least a few find it an inscrutable and dissonant element of my personality. It raises an occasional eyebrow when it...