Is There A Red Pill For The Wealthy?

Pay even a little attention to any left-liberal protest, and you will hear diatribes against the 1% and against big corporations. These twin and overlapping pillars of malevolence are, we are told, the source of all that’s wrong in our society. They’re the...

Occupational Licensing

• In Washington State, someone who wishes to braid hair for a living needs a cosmetology license. This license requires 1600 hours of education, not one hour of which involves braiding. This training requirement exceeds that required for emergency medical technicians...

Libertarianism – Going Mainstream

A week ago, the New York Times Magazine published a lengthy piece titled Has the ‘Libertarian Moment’ Finally Arrived? Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal had an op-ed Libertarian, Liberal Lawmakers Share Concerns About Police Tactics in Ferguson. Drudge...

The Perils of False Conflation

The first sentence of Chapter 1 of Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” reads: Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them. It’s astounding to consider that, 238 years later, it remains...

Someone Else’s Story

I am only one of countless millions who were shocked and saddened by the death, apparently by suicide, of Robin Williams. I grew up listening to his comedy albums (to the point where I can recite some of his bits verbatim) and watching him on television, and as an...