“Dominate. Intimidate. Control.”

Strong words, these are. They imply elements physical and psychological. As a guiding principle, they seem most apt for prisons or a totalitarian regimes. They were the motto posted at the TSA air marshal training center headquarters post 9/11. In-flight air marshals...

False Conflations

Have a conversation about immigration reform, and you’re very likely to end up talking about amnesty. Have a conversation about gay marriage, and you’re increasingly likely to stray into the story about the bakery forced to bake a “gay wedding”...

Accident of Birth

Name a professional athlete, one at the very top of his or her game. We all know the names: Mays, DiMaggio, Montana, Payton, Gretzky, Howe, Pele, Jordan, Russell, Nicklaus, Woods, Federer, Graf, Williams, Ali, Robinson. How about a seminal name in music, one whose...

Let’s Ban Ice Cream

There’s a meme bouncing around the political blogosphere that says we need to demand the minimum wage be raised because Walmart. The rationale goes like this: The government provides various safety nets regarding health care and other basics, including programs...

Cultures Of Dependence

Just a few weeks before I was born, Lyndon Baines Johnson gave his first State of The Union address since becoming President upon the death of John F. Kennedy. The full text of the address is a fascinating read, especially within the context of LBJ’s...