Appropriating Gangsters

Much is made today of “cultural appropriation,” the act of emulating styles, behaviors, language, cuisine, etc that are rooted in or traditionally associated with other cultures. It’s the latest battlefield of the social justice warriors, who went so...


A poster in a political page I follow shared an article about vocational training today. It fits into the on-going story line regarding the lack of trades-skilled workers, the educational shift away from anything “manual,” and the long-running and...

If Money Corrupts

In his farewell speech, President Eisenhower famously warned of the undue influence of the military-industrial complex on government and politics. Perhaps less famously, in his very next thought, he also cautioned about the growing domination of government funding in...

The Rise of American Fascism

The most common descriptor in American politics is the Left-Right axis. Democrats and liberals are considered to be on and embody the Left, and Republicans and conservatives are considered to be on and embody the Right. The axis is woefully inadequate for the task...