by Peter Venetoklis | Jul 31, 2016 | Guns
While the majority of the country has moved in a pro-gun-rights direction (41 states have Right-to-Carry/Shall-Issue laws or better, 11 of those have Constitutional Carry laws of some form), a handful of states have chosen to buck the tide and enact more restrictive...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jul 25, 2016 | Drug Policy
Ambrosia Soto, mayor of Pungarabato, a small town west of Mexico City, was murdered last Saturday, reportedly for refusing to pay a local drug gang protection money from the town’s budget. Domingo Lopez Gonzalez, mayor of San Juan Chamula, a town in the southern...
by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Jul 25, 2016 | Culture, Politics
At the quaint level of public service where appearances of corruption to the public are considered, we find a great contrast with the steady news diet of stories of elite misbehavior. As you read, remember that not one financier has ever been deprived of a day’s...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jul 11, 2016 | Culture, Economics
It is a common knock against unfettered free markets that there are matters they don’t sufficiently address. Sometimes expressed as the problem of externalities, it’s considered by some as a fatal flaw in the free market principle. Market-based solutions...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jul 10, 2016 | Drug Policy, Economics, Politics, Taxation
The murder of five police officers in Dallas, an atrocity rooted in the boiled-over tension between urban blacks and the police officers that watch over them, has created various firestorms of protest, counter-protest, and Internet virtue signaling (the last being the...
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