Because “Freedom”

Like all proper thinking libertarians (No True Scotsman notwithstanding), I welcomed and applauded the recent passage of the Right To Try bill. Naturally, given that Trump specifically promoted passage of the bill in his State of the Union address, the left-o-sphere...

Taxing Health

A recent Wall Street Journal “Best of the Web” column included an amusing bit of snark: Paul R. Ehrlich, Call Your Office – World faces ‘staggering obesity challenge: study.” For those unaware, Paul R. Ehrlich wrote a book called The...

The Legal Failure In The Sex Scandals

Amid serial denouncements of the sexual predation of men in high power, an important aspect has been missed: the degree to which these scandals have been failures of the legal system. Wealthy sex beasts like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby were able neutralize rape...