Lessons From The Ghost Dance War

The Ghost Dance War was an armed conflict in the United States between the Lakota Sioux and the United States government from 1890 until 1891. It involved the Wounded Knee Massacre wherein the 7th Cavalry massacred around 300 Lakota Sioux, including women, children,...

The Wrong Indoctrination

*Editor’s Note: This is a follow-up to Losing Americana, and part of a series on the “real” greatness of America. A political friend recently shared the observation: Indoctrination is a necessary evil to keep societies from being torn apart....

Hand Jiving With Nike And The NFL

Metaphors are seeds for a hopeful blossoming of greater truth. Otherwise, true stories would be nothing but encyclopedic recitation. Is the Bible undone because we know the world was not made in six days? Both sides of our arrayed partisan battle lines have the seeds...

Mis-Legalizing Marijuana

Years ago, before marijuana legalization started to really gather momentum, many converts to the idea of legalization put forth the notion that we should legalize it and “tax the shit out of it.” They figured that they could rationalize the switch from...