Gaga for Goo-Goo

Gaga for Goo-Goo

Back at the turn of the century – the 19th century, that is, a movement arose to battle against graft and corruption in government, by supporting candidates of a reform mindset. They were mockingly called goo-goos, short, of course, for...

Trump and Transactional Voters

Prior to the last election, a conversation among friends included an “admission” by one, an executive in a large corporation, who noted that the past years under Obama had been good for him economically. His company had done well, he had made money and...

A Day For Perspective

Thanksgiving. The truly American holiday, and one that can be celebrated both religiously and secularly. Its purpose is in its name, and it serves to remind us that we are social creatures, happiest and best-off when connected in positivity and gratitude with our...
Selective Adulthood

Selective Adulthood

A recent kerfuffle on the gossip pages involved the engagement of 65 year old Dennis Quaid to his 26 year old girlfriend. It’ll be his fourth marriage and her first. Typing “Dennis Quaid” into Twitter’s search field offered, as the third...
Uryens and Leondegrance

Uryens and Leondegrance

Or… Trump the Mundane. A deep-dive into the cobwebbed recesses of my pop culture recollection dug out this snippet from John Boorman’s magnificent 1981 film Excalibur, which quite succinctly encapsulates the Trumpian political landscape of today. I...