Why is There No Minimum Wage for Artists?

In doing some research on classical vs modern liberalism, I came across an interesting question: Would someone who advocates setting (and increasing) a minimum wage for laborers agree that there should be a minimum wage for artists of various sorts? Should there be...

Musings on Global Warming

I’ve been skeptical of the alarmist version of anthropogenic global warming for some time now. The roots and basis of my skepticism are fleshed out in a much longer piece that’s still in the works, but all that can be set aside in favor of a short and...

Conspiracies and Skepticism

While flipping through a book of aphorisms by the American philosopher Eric Hoffer, I came across this little ditty: Rabid suspicion has nothing in it of skepticism. The suspicious mind believes more than it doubts. It believes in a formidable and ineradicable evil...