The Left’s Christianity Problem

A few weeks ago, “The View” co-star Joy Behar mocked Vice President Mike Pence’s Christian beliefs, and in particular the idea that God speaks to him: “It’s one thing to talk to Jesus, it’s another thing when Jesus talks to you. … That’s...

The Sniff Test

George Carlin had a fun bit about unidentifiable leftovers, which I won’t spoil apart from mentioning that his wife would have him smell that which he couldn’t identify in order to determine its provenance and viability. We all get the gag, of course, and...

More Scandal Fatigue…

or… He may be a POS, but he’s OUR POS Reports that Trump had an affair/fling/one-nighter with a porn star back in 2006, and that one of his lawyers paid her some hush money via some shell companies, have been largely greeted with a collective sigh and...

Who’s Unserious Now?

Political writer Salena Zito may have been the first to summarize the idea that Trump’s supporters take him seriously but not literally in explaining how Trump could survive uttering a seemingly endless stream of verbal gaffes and outright falsehoods in the run...