by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 13, 2018 | Culture, Economics, Politics
Capitalists and free-marketeers, we are told, don’t care about the poor. Capitalists and free-marketeers, we are told, exploit the poor and the weak for selfish and excessive gains, and actively work to keep them down so that the exploitation can continue....
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 12, 2018 | Economics, Education, Opinion
Flipping through the stations on my satellite radio the other morning, I heard those three words uttered by a talk show guest. With great earnestness, and more than a tinge of anger. His “logic?” Apparently, when unemployment gets too low, capitalist pigs...
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 10, 2018 | Culture, Economics, Politics
Forty years ago, a Democrat did an interesting thing. On October 14, 1978, then-president Jimmy Carter signed a bill that, among other things, deregulated the beer industry by legalizing home-brewing. At the time, there were 44 breweries in the country. Old Milwaukee,...
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 9, 2018 | Economics, Opinion, Politics
The oft-memed and oft-mocked Congresswoman-Elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez apparently got her feathers ruffled by Donald Trump, Jr. the other day. Junior tweeted a meme that depicted AOC asking “why are you afraid of a socialist economy?” and Daddy Trump...
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 8, 2018 | Culture, Environment, Politics
France continues to be rocked by a populist uprising against the former golden child Emmanuel Macron and his “green” policies, serving notice to the rest of the First World that their citizenries aren’t going to meekly accept hardships imposed from...
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