by Peter Venetoklis | Sep 25, 2018 | Opinion, Politics
The attempted borking of Judge Kavanaugh proceeds apace, with his accuser set to testify on Thursday. Kavanaugh, a man of impeccable credentials and heretofore unassailed character, is being accused of an attempted rape nearly four decades ago, when he was 17, and of...
by Peter Venetoklis | Sep 7, 2018 | Opinion, Politics
The day after the 2016 presidential election, I dubbed our then-President-Elect an “untethered id” (and sarcastically tagged on the adjective “orange” a few weeks later). Yesterday, the New York Times dropped an anonymous op-ed that, if it is...
by Peter Venetoklis | Aug 25, 2018 | Opinion, Politics
Many, myself included, have wondered what it might take for Trump’s staunch supporters to waver, what quantity and quality of dirt would be necessary, and what level of malfeasance would rise, in their minds, to impeachable levels. I’m not asserting that...
by Peter Venetoklis | Aug 22, 2018 | Opinion, Politics
Yesterday, two sacks of wet cement thudded on the Trump administration. Paul Manafort, erstwhile Trump campaign chairman, was convicted on 8 counts of of financial shenanigans, and Michael Cohen, erstwhile Trump attorney, pled guilty to a number of criminal charges,...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jul 17, 2018 | Opinion, Politics
If there’s any certainty whatsoever about the Trump presidency, it’s that, just when you thought things could not get more absurd, our teetotaling president comes through with yet another “hold my (nonalcoholic) beer” moment. Yesterdays’...
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