Structural Stupidity

Structural Stupidity

Every so often, a new word becomes de mode in the political sandbox. While the metastasizing social justice movement has provided a veritable deluge of such, along with words to describe those words, oftentimes a “new” word is merely one being used in a...
Will They Listen?

Will They Listen?

Election day finally came and went. The final outcome of the Presidential contest appears to still be several days away, and perhaps weeks if we get into recounts and contested balloting, but at this juncture, it’s more likely than not that Joe Biden will be...
Compromised Parties At War

Compromised Parties At War

I recently wrote of how our major political parties have become compromised by their cynical transactions, and how that state of compromise means that they both occupy the same solution space on many major areas of public policy. This includes militarism: there is...
Politics and the Court

Politics and the Court

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away yesterday. May she rest in peace. You will see (and probably have seen) many such statements today and the next few days. These statements will be followed by a pause and an opinion on what should happen regarding...