Presidential Debates 2016 – Round 1

The first of three presidential debates took place last night. Sticking to my norm, I didn’t watch them. Their policy ideas are known and available in far greater detail from other sources, and I’ve already decided I’m not voting for either of them....

Lies and Misdirection

Politicians lie. We all know it, we all expect it. We’ve all heard the jokes. “How can you tell Politician X is lying? His lips are moving.” They also make promises they never intend to keep, they do everything they can not to answer questions that...

A Fear-Mongering Warmonger

Hillary Clinton recently claimed, in rather incendiary language, that ISIS would rather have Trump elected President than her. Her suggested reason is that Trump will be a “a recruiting sergeant for the terrorists.” This is both too clever by half and...
Wasted Vote Bullies

Wasted Vote Bullies

As sure as water is wet, a presidential election trots out the “wasted vote” bullies. Any time someone declares intent to vote for a minor party candidate, a demonic chorus of dyspeptic partisans chants a hymnal full of of hackneyed hosannas in response....