Dirty, Dirty, Dirty!

Corruption in politics is widely and correctly considered one of the great societal evils. Since politics is about gaining governmental power, and since governmental power is the epitome of irresistible force, the self-serving “buying” of that power is...

Playing The World’s Smallest Violin

In the wake of grumblings from the Far-Left about how President-apparent Hillary Clinton better not stray from the positions she co-opted from Bernie Sanders comes this article “warning” NYTimes readers that a Clinton presidency comes with its own perils....

Congratulations, Republicans

Your obsession with Mexican immigrants has put a cheat and a liar on the path to the White House. Last night, Donald Trump had his third and final opportunity to debate Hillary Clinton and to show the nation that he’s more worthy of the White House than she is....

Tu Quoque Or Not Tu Quoque

Donald Trump said some vulgar things a decade ago. In the grand traditions of “three can keep a secret if two are dead” and “always assume a microphone is live,” his words have come back to haunt his campaign. Everyone is outraged, the GOP...

State of Pain

EDITOR’S NOTE: This post is a follow-up to The Drug War Claims Another Victim America’s prohibition regime of certain sorts of drugs has never been called for by a medical consensus. It has never been based on application of the principles of addiction...