But, The Children!

I will holler “Amen!” with the choir of much of the nation whenever President Trump is called a big fat meanie. He is. He’s an awful person. But that sentence might have been written the same way, minus President, if we are back in 1990 “Trump...

The Rules Define The Game

In an exciting final match, France beat Croatia to win the 2018 FIFA world cup yesterday, 4-2. French fans are celebrating wildly, while Croatians must console themselves with second place and a valiant effort by their team. The Croatian team did outplay France in...

The Rage and The Irony

With Trump in the midst of a very consequential span of business (G-7, North Korea), and significant questions as to the effectiveness and prudence of his unorthodox style (to put it politely) abounding, it’s worth stepping back a moment and contemplating his...

Presidential Turpitude

Browsing channels the other day, I landed on some police drama (Law and Order? Blue Bloods?) that focused on a “fight club” atmosphere in the world of high finance and hedge funds. The trope is a familiar and common one: the high-testosterone machismo...