SALT Hysteria

As the GOP/Trump tax reform plan approaches the finish line, the hyperventilation regarding one of its major provisions is cresting. Yes, this is about the much maligned (by Democrats, at least) limit on deductibility of state and local taxes (SALT). Under current tax...

A Fairer Way To Tax

“Taxation is Theft” So goes one of many libertarian mantras, and it embodies a core principle of liberty. Taxless libertarian nirvana is not, however, lurking around the corner, or on the next block, or even in the same hemisphere, so it’s a...

Whence Inequality?

A recent Washington Post headline blared “The richest 1 percent now owns more of the country’s wealth than at any time in the past 50 years.” We are, I presume, supposed to assume this is a problem. Mention anything relating to the wealthy to the denizens...

Half-Hearted Hawks

Last night, in the wee hours, the Senate finally passed its version of the tax reform bill. While the final version will depend on the conference between the House and the Senate, it’s safe to say that the bill is a mixed bag. Some will get what they want, some...

Muh Roads and Mileage Taxes

If you’re a libertarian who’s wallowed in that political mud for a while, you know the “Muh roads!” gag. The rest of you – the normal people who may even know a fair bit about libertarianism but haven’t spent endless hours debating...

Don’t Steal…

The Government Hates Competition A heretofore under-reported bit of government odiousness is finally getting the headline treatment it so richly deserves. Civil asset forfeiture, where government seizes money and property it believes was involved in or the result of a...