by Peter Venetoklis | Nov 16, 2018 | Economics, Politics, Taxation
Imagine that you believe society’s needs are best funded via the old Marxism “From each according to his ability…” Imagine that doctrine tells you to put the heaviest taxes on the wealthiest, most capable, and most affluent (while taxing...
by Peter Venetoklis | Nov 1, 2018 | Opinion, Politics, Taxation
If 2017 was the year of Trumponomics (deregulation, tax cuts, and a generally pro-business attitude in the administration), 2018 is turning out to be the Year of the Nationalist. Economically, it’s been about trade wars, tariffs, and rewriting agreements. And,...
by Peter Venetoklis | Sep 26, 2018 | Culture, Economics, Politics, Taxation
A recent New York Post article about the appearance of corruption (or cronyism, you decide) in the state’s pension fund included a funny little nugget. The story, about Vicki Fuller, who was the funds chief investment officer and who landed a $275K per year...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jul 5, 2018 | Culture, Economics, Education, Opinion, Politics, Taxation
I recently mentioned Jerry Seinfeld’s fun little series Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee as a prelude and “inspiration” for a discussion about the Left’s tolerance of some forms of prejudice. That same episode, featuring Bill Maher as a guest,...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jun 17, 2018 | Economics, Politics, Taxation
Trump, in what can now be dubbed “classic” Trump style, has thrown the realm of international trade into chaos. He’s both threatened and enacted tariffs against our biggest trading partners, he’s ramped up already over-blown rhetoric, and...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jun 14, 2018 | Culture, Taxation
An under-the-radar Supreme Court Decision, handed down a couple days ago, offers another “be careful what you wish for” lesson to those who support government involvement in our individual interactions. The case, Sveen Et Al. v. Melin, centers on a state...
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