The Two McCains

I suppose it was inevitable that political controversy would accompany the death of Senator John McCain. Even excluding the sloppy, inartful, but “why are you surprised” White House flag-lowering bit, news and social media outlets are awash in people...

When Whataboutism Is Fair Play

Many, myself included, have wondered what it might take for Trump’s staunch supporters to waver, what quantity and quality of dirt would be necessary, and what level of malfeasance would rise, in their minds, to impeachable levels. I’m not asserting that...

Trump, Cohen, and Behar

Yesterday, two sacks of wet cement thudded on the Trump administration. Paul Manafort, erstwhile Trump campaign chairman, was convicted on 8 counts of of financial shenanigans, and Michael Cohen, erstwhile Trump attorney, pled guilty to a number of criminal charges,...

Sand In The Gearbox

Have you ever written a product review on Amazon? Ever clicked a rating button on Rotten Tomatoes, or IMDb, or Netflix? Ever banged out a song, book, or movie review on iTunes? Added to Wikipedia? Commented on a news or opinion article? Given a purchase feedback on...

Keeping ‘Em Poor

New York City, under the stewardship of the more-progressive-than-thou Mayor Bill De Blasio and a city council dominated 48-3 by Democrats, recently became the first city in the nation to impose limits on ride-sharing cars. As I recently blogged, they purportedly did...

They Broke The Law!

Illegal immigrants have broken the law. For many, that’s reason enough to want them all deported, and reason enough to oppose amnesty of any sort, including DREAMer legislation, and to go as far as arguing against birthright citizenship, declaring that the...