Trapped By Impatience

Yesterday, the police arrested a suspect in the letter bomb matter. The alleged bomber, Cesar Sayoc, looks at this juncture to be an anti-left rager/nut, with a troubled history that includes bomb threats going back to the early 2000s, and a number of run-ins with the...

About That Caravan…

If anyone predicted that, 15 days before the mid-term election, there’d be a highly visible “caravan” of several thousand Central American migrants working its way northward, with the intent to cross America’s southern border by whatever means...

The Eight Percenters

An article in The Atlantic that surveyed attitudes towards political correctness in America, which I previously discussed here, noted that only about 8% of Americans considered themselves “progressive activists,” vs 25% for “devoted...

More Important Than Ever

The Kavanaugh confirmation battle has, as I discussed recently, fed the Orwellian sheep a new mantra. “Democracy!” we hear, over and over again, as a declaration that our nation’s system is not-democracy and therefore a Bad Thing. They are right, the...

The Exhausted Majority

A major piece in the Atlantic, and a related article at ABC News, point to an emerging problem for the Left: Their identity politics narrative isn’t working out for them. The Atlantic article offers some revealing statistics: 25% of Americans are “devoted...