Tariff Man!

Prior to the implementation of Trump-o-Nomics, 2018 Edition, most people with a smattering of historical knowledge and economic literacy knew that tariffs were a Bad Thing. The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 was a stupendously wrongheaded action, one that combined...

Anatomy of a Gun Bill

California, a state that used to actually have some modicum of respect for gun owners (decades ago), has become (no surprise, given its leftward lurch) the land of a steady stream of gun-rights infringements in recent years. A proposal for a tax on the sale of all...

Thinkers and Doers

An intellectual is someone whose product begins and ends with ideas. This quote by Thomas Sowell was among a pile of delicious nuggets in a recent interview of the great thinker posted at Reason. Sowell both defines what he means by “an intellectual” and...

One Good War

Libertarians (among others) often criticize the past few decades worth of foreign entanglements, pointing out that they have almost universally not gone as intended, have almost universally produced unintended adverse consequences, and have cost the nation trillions...