Dreaming of Walls

While we libertarians revel in the government shut-down, we know that all good things will eventually come to an end (and, whatever money didn’t get spent will be made up retroactively, sad to say). From a popcorn-munching, pox-upon-both-their-houses perceptive,...

Carte Blanche and the General Welfare

The Constitution is a remarkable document, in conception, in purpose, in brevity, and in clarity. It is one of the great achievements in the entirety of human history. Unfortunately, since it is written in words, it is subject to the meanings assigned to those words....

Not Yours To Give

A year or two ago, as a friend and I were having a couple beers at a bar, another barfly asked us if she could take one of the unoccupied chairs near us. My friend, by way of assent, replied “It’s not mine to give.” I found that to be a more...