by Peter Venetoklis | Jan 3, 2019 | Economics, Health, Opinion, Politics, Taxation
The oh-so-serious folks at NPR were kind enough to assemble a list of policy ideas being offered up by the ever-growing crop of Democratic presidential hopefuls. While it would be presumptuous to call this comprehensive (indeed, it doesn’t even touch upon some...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jan 1, 2019 | Opinion, Politics, Uncategorized
While we libertarians revel in the government shut-down, we know that all good things will eventually come to an end (and, whatever money didn’t get spent will be made up retroactively, sad to say). From a popcorn-munching, pox-upon-both-their-houses perceptive,...
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 31, 2018 | Opinion, Politics
A couple months after Trump’s inauguration, a friend and I quibbled over the notion of Rand Paul as President. In that exchange he puzzled as to why I, as a libertarian, am not a fan of Elizabeth Warren. My response was that she was a textbook big-government...
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 30, 2018 | Politics
The Constitution is a remarkable document, in conception, in purpose, in brevity, and in clarity. It is one of the great achievements in the entirety of human history. Unfortunately, since it is written in words, it is subject to the meanings assigned to those words....
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 29, 2018 | Culture, Economics, Education, Health, Opinion, Politics, Taxation
As the Left continues to press for ever-more government control of the economy, in areas such as health care, college, prescription medicines, and even fundamental economic behavior in the private sector, it’s worth reviewing the government’s track record...
by Peter Venetoklis | Dec 23, 2018 | Opinion, Politics, Taxation
A year or two ago, as a friend and I were having a couple beers at a bar, another barfly asked us if she could take one of the unoccupied chairs near us. My friend, by way of assent, replied “It’s not mine to give.” I found that to be a more...
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