Strictly Business

As we close out the fourth week of the government shut-down, with negotiations seemingly non-existent and replaced by petty, tit-for-tat squabbles between Trump and Pelosi, it seems apt to contemplate the potential loss of a golden opportunity for the Democrats on the...

Concentrated Wealth

A social media conversation I had the other day, regarding the estate tax, provided this little gem: Concentrations of wealth are indispensable for the existence of a civilization. My fellow converser is correct. Without concentrations of wealth, that is to say...

Electoral Diversity

The two years since Trump’s election have done little to abate the bleating about the Electoral College, the Senate, the over-representation of smaller states in Congress, and other such folderol. Indeed, the newly-drunk-with-power House Democrats have...

Crimes Not Impeached

Impeachment is in the air. The Democrats, as they prepare to take up the House, promise a “cannon of subpoenas.” I’ve discussed the impeachment possibilities in President Trump’s many imbroglios here. Today, let’s take a look at other...