Coexist, or Comply?

I live in the New York City metro area, which means I’m surrounded by people of a left-of-center political persuasion. 80% of New York City voters voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012, and for Clinton in 2016. While there are pockets of Republicans here and there...

A Tragedy of Errors

A few comments I recently read about Barry Goldwater and the Civil Rights act reminded me that personal destruction via accusations of racism are a tactic that goes back decades. Goldwater voted against the version of the Civil Rights Act that ultimately became law....

Rights and Wrongs

Consider the island nation of Cuba, a nation under communist rule for sixty years, and its progressive defenders/apologists. Cuba, we are told, is a wonderful place. It has a near-100% literacy rate, and it has allegedly superb medical care for its citizens. In fact,...

The Government And The People

Yesterday’s blog post, Hating Our Heritage, drew a wide range of responses. Some (notably from people who rather obviously read only an introductory comment and not the post itself) were rather reactionary, arguing straw men and the points that they wanted to...