Socialism and Justice

Half a century ago, President Lyndon Johnson decided that he would make the Democratic Party the champion of minorities and the oppressed. In doing so, he upended the party’s long history and broke with the segregationists in its ranks. He was successful, at...

Systemic Equivocation

Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, seeking to pander as hard as the rest of his clown-van cohorts, recently played the race card in an interview on NPR. Namely, he asserted that: Systemic racism [is] all around us. It’s the air we breathe. I’m struck...

Just Who, Exactly, Do They Work For?

I’ve spent far too much of my life dealing with the headaches of owning a car in New York City (and, to a lesser extent, its suburbs). As if the near-eternal traffic isn’t enough, parking is itself a giant time-suck for too many of us. The neighborhood...