Alpha By Proxy

Playwright, auteur, and late-in-life conservative convert David Mamet referred to socialism as the abdication of responsibility. The resurgence of socialism in the American political landscape, itself born of the “childing” of age-of-majority youth via...

The Tyranny of the List

One of my best friends keeps lists. Not lists of to-do things, like one might imagine (although it’s safe to assume he has those as well), but inventory lists, including one that tallies every movie he’s ever seen. I do such lists, and they include musical...

Political Money and Weaponized Doxxing

Money and politics. They go together like cheese and crackers, chips and salsa, coffee and donuts, pencil and paper, peanut butter and jelly (or bananas if you’re Elvis), milk and cookies, and dogs and ponies. More so, in fact. Money in politics is speech. It is...