Whiskey and Car Keys

People, in general, prefer easier over more difficult, even if the former doesn’t align with their job or their values. People that work for the government are no different than you and I in this regard. The latest example is found in a letter from Attorney...

Packing The Flag

50 States. Such a nice, round number. Even makes for a good looking flag. Sure, the WWII-era 48-state flag offers a greater appeal to the rectilinearly-obsessed, but the 6-5-6-5-6-5-6-5-6 array has both symmetry and artistic appeal. 50 States also gives us 100...

Some Simple Math

Almost every day, I read a story of another restaurant forced to close its doors due to a minimum wage increase. None of these stories, however, seem to penetrate the progressive zeitgeist, as evinced by the near-universal support for a national $15 minimum wage (or...

Globalized Idiocy

A friend shared a meme today. “Jamie,” sporting a hammer-and-sickle next to her name, posits a question about magically solving hunger, climate change, and broken homes by curtailing millionaires’ and billionaires’ power and money, and dares...

The Usual Suspect

The Bible tells us that “there is nothing new under the sun,” and indeed that adage is reflected in the world around us. Pop culture tells us the same stories time and again, stories that themselves are rooted in tropes, i.e. ‘commonly recurring...