Can Ignorance Be Excused?

Consider the word “ignorance.” Ignorance is, simply put, lack of knowledge or information. It differs from stupidity, or idiocy, or foolishness, in that it’s not a descriptor of a person, but merely of the information that a person possesses. As...

Paying For Pain

CNN contributor Bakari Sellers recently opined that: Climate change should be a definitive issue for Black voters, but it isn’t. He went on to blame the whiteness of environmental activist groups. He has a point… sort of. A survey by The Atlantic found that...

The Script Has Flipped

A recent Wall Street Journal article puts forth the argument that social justice warriors are genuine and sincere in their belief sets and in the laundry-list/word-salad complaints and accusations they routinely lob at the rest of us. The author urges us to listen to...