The Best and Brightest?

The Best and Brightest?

We will learn many lessons, in the coming months, from the COVID-19 pandemic. While I have been circumspect in drawing hasty or premature conclusions, in believing particular models or projections, or in concluding whether Policy A or B or C has been good or...
Get Off My Side!

Get Off My Side!

The COVID-19 lockdown has driven many of us into the waiting arms of Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and other streaming services, as we seek replacements for our social gathering habits. My current binge is the new season of Bosch on Amazon Prime, which premiered this...
COVID Calculus

COVID Calculus

Thomas Mann, writer, philanthropist, social critic, and Nobel Laureate, told us, nearly a century ago, that “everything is politics.” COVID-19 and the response to it are no exception. I have little doubt that every action taken in response to the pandemic...
Evolution Versus Regulation

Evolution Versus Regulation

South Korea successfully mitigated their outbreak of COVID-19, with early and widespread testing as their principal defense. Testing means quarantines can be targeted and the outbreak compartmentalized, giving their medical system the space to adapt. America...
The Humanistic Ethic

The Humanistic Ethic

Freeman Dyson, physicist, polymath, and intellect of such a towering magnitude that “genius” feels somehow inadequate, recently passed away at the age of 96. Obituary writers in the usual places chose, predictably and disappointingly, to highlight one...
Aesop’s Grasshoppers

Aesop’s Grasshoppers

I’ve been taking my own advice, and doing my darnedest to avoid proffering half-baked opinions on the Coronavirus matter, a matter that’s producing new (and often conflicting) information every day. There are, however, countless others who are seizing on...