It’s Hard To Scream Nuance

It’s Hard To Scream Nuance

A political friend shared this observation on social media this morning: Group 1. Virus is not that serious open up and soon as possible and give us back our freedoms. The economy is dying. Group 2. Virus is very serious and we need to keep everything locked down as...
Science! and the COVID Conundrum

Science! and the COVID Conundrum

As public consciousness of the COVID-19 pandemic’s death toll gives way to the economic impact of shut-downs, border closings, and other mitigation measures, the matter of when and how to reopen the economy and lift restrictions on people’s movements and...
The Right To Feed Others

The Right To Feed Others

One of Monty Python’s more famous sketches is that of the Whizzo Chocolate Company, more commonly known as the Crunchy Frog skit. Mr. Hilton, proprietor of the aforementioned confection producer, is confronted by two members of the Hygiene squad, who eventually...
The Sell-Out Cop-Out

The Sell-Out Cop-Out

Political filmmaker Michael Moore’s new movie Planet of the Humans contains a refreshing bit of honesty: that wind and solar are not the enviro-panacea that greens, carbon-haters, climate catastrophists, and various other enviro-fetishists have long claimed....
Conspicuous Blame

Conspicuous Blame

As I recently lamented, the hard part of managing the COVID-19 pandemic lies in the easing of restrictions and lockdowns. We were originally told we had to “flatten the curve,” which makes for a nice catchy bit of motivation. As is inevitable with...
Solution Pachinko

Solution Pachinko

As the crisis of the Coronavirus threat tests our system, it’s useful to look at the efficacy of our last “Black Swan” crisis: the response to the events of September 11th. The look is depressing. We invaded Iraq in an effort to make them like us:...