by Peter Venetoklis | Feb 10, 2021 | Culture, Election, Opinion, Politics
Nowadays, it is virtually impossible to go through your daily life without receiving some blunt-force messaging about diversity, about inclusion, about multiculturalism, and about justice for the oppressed. That this messaging is being delivered (and often...
by Eugene Darden Nicholas | Feb 6, 2021 | Opinion, Politics
In our political conversations, we encounter ideas that are broadly considered reasonable, and ideas that are considered unreasonable or flat-out bonkers. The latter exist outside the range of the former, with gray areas along the intersections. A couple decades ago,...
by Peter Venetoklis | Feb 3, 2021 | Culture, Opinion, Politics
A political friend shared a quote on social media today: “Liberals, I have heard it said, don’t care what we do as long as it is mandatory.” — Joseph Epstein This echoes a popular meme (and T-shirt, and other merchandise. A thumbs up for free...
by Peter Venetoklis | Feb 2, 2021 | Election, Opinion, Politics
Joe Biden became the Democrats’ nominee by projecting a “milder” agenda than the balance of the Democratic primary field. His party barely squeaked out a victory against a President who failed to capitalize on the various policy successes of his...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jan 29, 2021 | Economics, Opinion, Politics
Speculative fiction writers, whether they be “science-y” or not, often bring us visions of possible futures. Some are optimistic, some less so. Some fall into the “dystopian” category, defined by the Oxford Languages folks as, “relating...
by Peter Venetoklis | Jan 28, 2021 | Economics, Environment, Health, Opinion, Politics
As promised (or as threatened, if you prefer), President Biden has made quick moves to advance the “greening” of America. Or, more accurately, to satiate the green lobby, an unholy alliance of ignorant virtucrats and corporate rent-seekers. He killed the...
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