by Peter Venetoklis | Aug 16, 2016 | Culture, Election, Immigration, Politics
A tip of my hat to Donald Trump. He dared name that which must not be named. He dared to point out the obvious: that Radical Islam is antithetical to women, gays, Jews and Christians. He dared tread where the Left has refused. He ranked women, gays, and non-Muslim...
by Peter Venetoklis | Aug 15, 2016 | Election, Opinion, Politics
Consider the First Amendment of the Constitution. It includes protections for Religion, Speech, The Press, Public Assembly, and Petitioning the Government. The fact The Press gets specific protection despite Speech also being protected (after all, The Press can...
by Peter Venetoklis | Aug 10, 2016 | Election, Politics
What the hell is going on in the political world nowadays? It’s not enough that we have a liar continuing to lie about the lies she was called out on, and an orange-and-blond id spouting off in ways that make us question his mental state, competing for the...
by Peter Venetoklis | Aug 9, 2016 | Drug Policy, Politics
Way, way back, when I was a young lad still finding my political eyes, I took a political quiz that asked me to rate the degree with which I agreed with certain statements. One of them was, in essence “The law is the law.” I recall finding the statement a...
by Peter Venetoklis | Aug 7, 2016 | Election, Opinion, Politics
So, America sent several pallets loaded with $400 million in various currencies over to Iran. Iran, the same day, released four American citizens. The money, we are told, is a settlement of a decades-old debt dispute between America and Iran, and that another $1.3...
by Peter Venetoklis | Aug 5, 2016 | Culture, Drug Policy, Guns, Health, Politics
Here’s a little tidbit you may not know: In some jurisdictions, stun guns and tasers are more restricted than handguns. This bit of oddness (guns are clearly more lethal than tasers) is being challenged on Second Amendment grounds by people involved with the...
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