Cherry-Picking Pride and Patriotism

As I watched American athletes win gold in both the men’s and women’s 4×400 meter relay races the other night, and as I saw them celebrate by draping American flags over their shoulders and pose for group photos while holding them proudly aloft, I...

What Would They Say?

Every day, it seems, brings us a fresh story about politicians trying to further erode our rights. Those rights that the Constitution, the “supreme law of the land,” the document that created this nation, the scrap of paper that sits at the top of a pile...

Sowing Seeds of Unrest

Today’s head-scratching moment is brought to you by the Board of Fire Commissioners of Arlington, NY. Under the lamest of excuses, they ordered that several American flags that had been recently attached to the town fire trucks to be removed. They dubbed them a...

Political Schadenfreude

Rare is the human being who never experiences schadenfreude, i.e. the pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune. I’ve been on both ends of it at various times in my life, and have even been subjected to a sort of pre-schadenfreude by...

Clinton’s Billionaires

Utter the words “Citizens United” in a room full of liberals at your peril. The Supreme Court case that affirmed First Amendment protections for political expenditures by corporations (or, if you’re of a different mindset, evilly turned corporations...