The Downward Spiral

Many conservatives, increasingly accepting of the probability that Donald Trump is going to lose on Election day, are asking the question “how do we move past this debacle of an election season? How do we restore conservative principles to the Republican...

Dirty, Dirty, Dirty!

Corruption in politics is widely and correctly considered one of the great societal evils. Since politics is about gaining governmental power, and since governmental power is the epitome of irresistible force, the self-serving “buying” of that power is...

Forcing Harmony

One of my disappointments in Gary Johnson’s version of libertarianism lies in what many (erroneously in my opinion) call the question of religious liberty. Or, more colloquially, the gay wedding cake issue. His position, elaborated in a Reason article from...

Tu Quoque Or Not Tu Quoque

Donald Trump said some vulgar things a decade ago. In the grand traditions of “three can keep a secret if two are dead” and “always assume a microphone is live,” his words have come back to haunt his campaign. Everyone is outraged, the GOP...